
Going to hell

There is an episode in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn where Huck is deeply uncertain if he should tell Miss Watson where her runaway slave Jim is located. His uncertainty is magically overcome when he realizes that the ‘plain hand of God’ requires that he turn Jim in. Everything he has learned in Sunday School, everything his mother drummed into him, points in that direction. He writes the letter of betrayal to Miss Watson, feels all clean and pure, and is able to pray. But then he thinks some more, thinks of his love for Jim and the laughter they have had together. He finally tears up the letter, says no to god, and declares, “All right, then, I’ll go to hell.”[i]

Welcome to hell! When your passion and commitment to justice, to doing what is right, leads you beyond the conventions of society and religion it won’t be long before someone damns you to hell. When you get to that place, be assured you’re not alone.

Sometimes in life we come to a chasm. Behind us is all we have known, including god, mother, and morality. Ahead of us is the unknown: godless, motherless, and immoral. And breathing deeply, letting the visionary within us feel, the fool within us act, saying no to fear and yes to courage, we jump...

[i] Adapted from Hamilton, W. A Quest For The Post-Historical Jesus London : SCM, 193, p.15.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:50 am

    Thank goodness there are those courageous people who are able to stand up for their convictions, no matter what they may face as consequences. Some of us have the strength to stand up only when the stakes are small, and others may fall somewhere in between along the continuum. At times, after speaking my mind, I have thought, "Why can't I just keep my big mouth shut?" A worse feeling though is after the event to think, "Why didn't I say anything?" There are times when I have caused a stir, and whilst it was difficult at the time, I am certain that I have prompted people to reconsider their reasons for thinking, feeling and behaving in certain ways. It has like a domino effect. Once one person shows the strength, others follow and great changes can be made. Keep it up Glynn. Your courage, actions and words are inspirational.
