
Does God Change?

Dear Rev Cardy,

I'm sure you’re aware that God does not change but stays the same- yesterday, today and forever. God does not change, we change.

Tom [UK]

Dear Tom,

One thought you might like to consider: when two people are in love, and grow in love, the love will inevitably change them. You don’t stay the same when you are loved. If God and I are ‘lovers’ is it not possible that not only am I changed by the relationship but also God?



  1. Anonymous5:33 pm

    I find the question does God change a very interesting one. I was asked once in a spiritual direction session if I thought God changed, I couldn't answer the question then and it's still something I ponder from time to time. So I was really interested in your reply Lucky.

  2. Anonymous10:50 am

    Because I am unabl to 'know' what God is really like I am unable to know if cjange has taken place but i accept the idea of two 'lovers' changing thru their loving activity.

  3. Anonymous7:17 am

    Can perfection change? Can ultimate love change? Surely it is we who change to be conformed into His likeness. His love for us allows that.

