
Questions from a 5 year old - Seeing God

One of the joys in life is engaging with an inquiring mind. As a priest it is a privilege to receive letters from children. What follows is a series of letters from Isabelle, a 5 year old, and my attempts as a 47 year old to answer her questions.

Dear Revd Glynn,

Why can't we see God?

From Isabelle.

Dear Isabelle,

Some people understand God to be a powerful man stuck up in the sky. I don’t. I think God is best thought of as love.

Love is, for example, something like the feeling between you and your mum. You can’t see that feeling but you can feel it. That’s what God’s like. You can’t see God but you can feel God, and God feels like love.

Another way to think of God is to imagine God is like the wind. Again you can’t see God but you can feel God’s effect. Being blown by an invisible force is both exciting and scary. Just like God.

Kind regards,

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